Free Airline Tickets for Two Worldwide
Item Number : 183
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Auction TypeDutch (Multiple Quantity)  Dutch (Multiple Quantity) Bonus
Featured PremiereWow!
Current Bid (HK$) --    Starting Bid (HK$)$250.00
Quantity2 # of Bids0  (Bid History)
Time LeftAuction is Closed LocationToronto, ON
Started4/27/2001 8:15:00 PM Mail This Auction to a Friend
Ends5/4/2001 8:15:00 PM   
Item Owner (Ratings)PrimeSavers (0)Rating Average   (Leave Feedback on Seller)   
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Accepted Payment MethodsCan accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express
Shipping Costs (HK$)Seller will pay all shipping costs
Shipping LimitsWill ship anywhere in the world
Ship ViaSuccessful Bidders Choice
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Free Airline Tickets for Two to Major Destinations Worldwide

2 Fly Away Certificates - This will entitle you to a free airfare to any major destination around the world. The reservation is good for two people and valid until the year 2005. This certificates are a big hit in North America because of the quality and value they offer. OTHER TRAVEL CERTIFICATES ALSO AVAILABLE, view other auctions. For more info, copy and paste this ENTIRE URL into your browser's address bar:
Shipping & Payment Terms
Shipping included.

Ask us about Free Airfare to Major Destinations Worldwide
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Free Airline Tickets for Two Worldwide
Item # 183

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