H2O+ 晶瑩美白面Ƃ
Item Number : 48
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Current Bid (HK$) $150.00   Reserve Not Yet Met Starting Bid (HK$)$150.00
Quantity1 # of Bids1  (Bid History)
Time LeftAuction is Closed LocationHong Kong,
Started7/24/2000 7:07:00 PM Mail This Auction to a Friend
Ends8/14/2000 7:07:00 PM   
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H2O+ 晶瑩美白面霜,擁有抗衰老及美白亮澤肌膚的作用,每瓶面霜均採用純維他命C及抽取桑樹根部的元素製煉而成,幫助減退臉部的黑色素,避免因年齡增長及陽光照射所導致的色斑;面霜更含有天然海洋礦物,有助保持肌膚結實及富有彈性。面霜不含油脂,可迅速被皮膚吸收,使肌膚更潔淨清爽。於化妝前使用,皮膚更潔白亮麗
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H2O+ 晶瑩美白面Ƃ
Item # 48

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