Leslie Cheung Internet Fan Club
Item Number : 101
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Auction TypeStandard  Standard Bonus
Current Bid (HK$) $201.50   Reserve Met Starting Bid (HK$)$20.00
Quantity1 # of Bids19  (Bid History)
Time LeftAuction is Closed LocationAshfield, NSW, Australia
Started7/24/2001 7:45:00 PM Mail This Auction to a Friend
Ends10/22/2001 7:45:00 PM   
Item Owner (Ratings)huitian (3)Rating Average   (Leave Feedback on Seller)   
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High Bidder (Ratings)Keroppi (0)Rating Average  (Leave Feedback on Bidder
Accepted Payment MethodsWill only accept cash, Money Order, or Wire Transfer
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100% new 電影海報精選-電影雙週刊, 包括海報﹕春光乍洩﹐霸王別姬(2張)﹐金枝玉葉2(2張)﹐大三元﹐色情男女(2張)﹐ 殺之戀 Movie Poster Collection, published by "City Entertainment". including posters for Leslie's movies: Happy Together, Farewell My Concubine (2 pages), Who's the Woman, Who's the Man (2 pages), Tristar, Viva Erotica (2 pages), Fatal Love
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Item # 101

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